For a long time, I always lied on mental health screenings because I knew doctors liked to diagnose women with depression or anxiety etc so I was like I Wake Up Each Dawn Full of Joy. When I finally answered truthfully they instantly hit me with a Zoloft prescription but then I took it and… it helped. There's something weird and frustrating about realizing you've got a fixable problem, at least to me. Like ah, I thought I was at least dragging some dark destiny around.…

The book that actually captures this for me the best is Sheila Heti's Motherhood (don't know if you've read it, but if you haven't, I recommend it).

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I might do a complete Sheila Heti read this year…

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Was recently fired due to a few mistakes caused by my unmedicated adhd. Have been depressed and in a constant state of task paralysis ever since as I can't decide what to do next with myself. Finally seeing a doctor next week and am going to be honest like you and hopefully get a prescription that helps. I too have been in denial about the extent of the negative impacts this has had but I have almost every single symptom listed in this article so I know I am doing the right thing despite my reservations. I just want to be a functioning adult without feeling like I am drowning all the time. I am so tired, life is hard enough already even when you don't have to fight your brain to accomplish almost every task.

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I think I might have ADHD too, although I’m not sure. One of the things I struggle with most (in addition to planning, organizing, etc.) is reading. I like having read and I like learning, but the physical process of reading is often difficult for me. I don’t know if this is something people with ADHD experience and I don’t know if getting a diagnosis will help me with this. The scariest thing for me is the possibility that there’s nothing I can do, no way I can make the process of reading easier (or, better yet, fun) for myself.

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Thank you for writing this, it was put in front of me at the perfect time!

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My sweet five-year-old son has ADHD (not yet diagnosed but it’s glaringly, often painfully, obvious) and I’ve suspected for a while that my husband may have it as well. I’m saving this piece to share with him whenever I finally work up the strength to have that conversation. Thank you.

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I feel it. (& ps am reading Alphabetical Diaries atm).

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